“If you’ve ever dreamt of becoming a real live sex Goddess Pamela Madsen will show you the way; with grace, integrity and joyful abandon!”
— Annie Sprinkle, Ph.D., Ecosexual Sexecologist and Artist and author of Dr. Sprinkle's Spectacular Sex
“This brave suburban wife and mother unveils the secrets of an unbelievably expanded sexuality in which desire becomes a virtue, and sexual greed opens the gates to spiritual ecstasy and orgasmic revelations.”
— Dossie Easton, co-author of The Ethical Slut and Radical Ecstasy
“Pamela Madsen is an erotic genius...”
— Joseph Kramer Ph.D., co-creator of Sexological Bodywork and the Body Electric School
“Since I meet you I’ve learned more about sex and desire and myself then I did in the 30 odd years preceding. Thanks for being such a shinning light. Ps I’ve ditched the diet and am embracing the squish. Hugs”
— Michelle
“I just wanted to thank you. What has changed in me in noticeable, and my enthusiasm is contagious!”
— Becki
“Pamela. I love and honor you as the most authentic, amazing live-out-loud sex-goddess that I have ever been exposed to on any level. Thank you for the entertainment, the enticement, the excitement the pleasure and the sheer terror that your words and actions cause me to feel. You changed my life. Love to you! ”